Ethan Gruska’s “En Garde” proves to be unique
En Garde, includes various rich, mellow songs, while still achieving a unique level of musical exploration.
Up and coming artist Ethan Gruska’s second alternative indie album, En Garde, includes various rich, mellow songs, while still achieving a unique level of musical exploration.
His song “Event Horizon” has a soulful, jazzy vibe, but is also repetitive. Other songs, such as “Maybe I’ll Go Nowhere” and “On the Outside,” have a much slower melody and deeper lyrical value.
Unlike his first album, Slowmotionary, En Garde offers more melodious songs with deeper and more distinctive sounds and instruments. Many listeners have pointed out the commonalities between Gruska’s and Phoebe Bridger’s musical styles.
Gruska’s new experimental style is partially successful. While the new style is eccentric and different from other indie artists, it can also seem unfocused and random at times. For example, in his song “Crash Cart,” he includes too many instruments, which is overwhelming for listeners.
Although experimentation is not always successful, new artists becoming musically experimentative is a major stride for the industry and is defining a new era of entertainment, with Gruska being one of the first artists to make an attempt.
Overall, for more adventurous listeners, Gruska will be a great addition to their playlist.

Magazine Editor Lena Barakat is a senior and this is her third year on The Purbalite. She likes running with her teammates, cuddling with her cat Harold...