Mayer returns to his indie roots

Mayer returns to his indie roots

Allison Stinelli, Staff Writer

The release of John Mayer’s new album, The Search for Everything, highlights those indie vibes that initially attracted Mayer’s fan base.

The album focuses on a quest for love and companionship, yet doesn’t create too much cheesiness in the songs.

One particular song that sticks out from the rest is “In the Blood.” This song shows Mayer’s heart on his sleeve and contains slow beats that create a great atmosphere for the song.

Another song from the album that really showcases Mayer’s talent and the true message behind the album is “Moving On and Getting Over.”

The song’s message is one of moving on in life and not dwelling on things, and the lyrics get the message across perfectly.

However, one song that does not fit the album so well is “Still Feel Like Your Man.”

The lyrics are cheesy, making one think of a pop song about a significant other, and the background instruments just create too much of an elevator song rather than a song from a Grammy-winning artist.

Despite this one song that doesn’t fit the bill too well, overall the album is great, and it will remind Mayer’s fans of their initial attraction to the singer.