March Mammal brackets causes madness among students


Laura Basciotta and Emilee Gruntz

With the beginning of March Madness comes the phenomenon of Mammal March Madness, which Sarah Lyle’s honors and AP biology classes are participating in once again.

“I’ve been following it for three years, but now I’ve made it mandatory for my classes to participate for two years,” Lyle said.

Mammal March Madness allows students to create NCAA-style brackets in which they predict the winners of competitions between various mammals round by round.

“Some students really research into it and get to learn a lot about these animals involved,” Lyle said.

Every student will chose an overall winner and the person with the highest score will win a cookie party for his or her class.

“As of right now my class is winning. By participating and competing with everyone, it makes school a little bit more interesting,” senior Bethany Madison said.