Music Review: I Like it When You Sleep by The 1975

Maddie Becker


Staff Writer

The full title I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It is not the only part of the new The 1975 album that goes above and beyond expectations. Lead singer Matt Healy goes all out and takes almost all of the songs in different directions. He goes from very excited, loud singing in “The Sound” to sad, smooth whispers in “Paris.” Though the album is not as catchy as the band’s first album, it seems to have more meaning. On songs like “Nana,” Healy shows a very emotional, broken-down side of himself. Lyrics like “I don’t like it / Now you’re dead” show almost a disturbed side of Healy. While the album has a dark side, the band also gives it a bright side. The album goes from a mellow tone to a happy, uplifting sound on songs like “Love me” and “UGH!” Overall, the emotional rollercoaster that is this album is entirely worth it.