Fashion team shoots for style

Andrea Henderson


Staff Writer

Lots of teens dream of becoming famous, but some students already have taken the first steps forward to become successful.
Juniors Isaiah Priches and C.J. Norwood have started their own clothing line, which they call 66 Clothing.
They started their line in summer 2013, when what they wanted to express about themselves could not be found in a clothing store.
“I loved fashion and I wasn’t able to buy the clothes I wanted, so I decided to design and create my own,” Norwood said.
They hope to produce more diverse articles of clothing soon, some examples being outerwear and pants.
“I want to expand our line and start stitching our clothes instead of ordering them online,” Priches said.
They used to produce the shirts here at school by screen-printing the designs onto them, but now they design them online and order them, which takes longer, but results in better quality products.
Each article of clothing has an original design on it that means something to them.
“All of our friends help design the clothes. We are always open to new ideas,” Priches said.
Sophomore Kenny Jones plays a big role in the design.
“I designed my own version of the original tetrahedron logo,” Jones said.
Both Priches and Norwood said they like to include the unique views of several designers into their ideas.
Their products and contact information can be found on their Instagram, @66Clothing.
“I love their clothes. It’s such a cool original design and I get a lot of compliments on it when I wear it out,” junior Molly Kavalo said.
However, the boys do not limit themselves and produce their own music as well.
They have their own music group called Supreme Deities, which can be found on Soundcloud.
“Originally, we called ourselves Wok and it was just fun at first, but then we got serious,” Norwood said.
66 Clothing started as a merchandise line for their music group, but quickly expanded into the latest fashion trend at Baldwin.
“We base all of our clothes off our own personal beliefs. We believe everybody is their own God and determines their own destiny,” Priches said.
They want to take their talents further, expanding into other fields than just fashion and music.
“We’ve come really far in the past year and I hope we can expand and accomplish more someday soon,” Priches said.
They have high hopes of making a name for themselves.
“We want to produce short films and go further into photography,” Jones said.
They now have about a dozen of their friends promoting them and getting the word out, helping them build their own business and grow into aspiring entrepreneurs.