Pro/Con: Cell Phone Addiction

Jess Dini and Brittnay Chalmers

Two staff writers debate whether high school students are too attached to their electronic devices.

Mobility enhances communication
Photography Editor

With technology changing on what seems to be a daily basis, it’s hard to survive in this world without its most popular device, the cell phone.

Cell phones have always had the basic ability to call and text, but in the last few years many apps and features have surfaced, making those who don’t choose to participate in this trend automatically out of the loop.

Although many people disagree with the digital movement and find that it’s nothing more than a large-scale distraction, the mobility of a cell phone is extremely beneficial. It allows people to store everything including emails from co-workers, photos from last year’s vacation, a favorite AC/DC album, and even a note about that dinner plan totally forgotten about until today.

Another huge misconception of the digital age is that with all of the texting and not as much communication via phone calls or face-to-face conversation, the upcoming generations are losing social skills rapidly. But the digital era isn’t “killing the convo.” Instead, phones are enhancing it throughout multiple social platforms that are essential in today’s industries and job market.

When someone sees two individuals out in public, whether it be on a date or casually hanging out, the argument is always that they should be talking face to face with each other instead of being glued to their phones. But this is an unfair statement, as outsiders don’t know what they are doing on their phones. They very well could be looking up an answer to a question they were discussing, or could simply be texting a relative about something important.

All in all, cell phones have become a necessity. They are changing the way people communicate, but it’s for the better, not worse.

Cell phones distract from real life
Staff Writer

Cell phones are helpful and fun, but some people use them so much that they cannot live without them even for five minutes. A lot of people feel very anxious if they do not have their phone in hand at all times, which just adds unnecessary stress to their lives.

Many people get so used to talking to others virtually that real-life conversations can be boring or awkward. It can be hard to hold a conversation in person or do fun things with people who can’t look up from their phones. This could mean missing out on fun activities with friends or even losing certain people who do not want to deal with someone who is more interested in a phone than them.

Also, phones can be very distracting. It is easy to lose track of time with the endless apps and networks available at all times, and this causes many people to procrastinate instead of doing the things they need to do.
In addition to putting off work, it is also easy to stay up too late on a smartphone and lose sleep over it.

Almost everyone can relate to sitting down to look at their phone for five minutes — which ends up lasting hours. Many people have found their attention spans shortened after overusing technology.

Being used to social media and shortened versions of information makes it harder to pay attention to a full-length version of a novel or a movie without shortcuts.

While the situation is not as dangerous or horrible as some people make it out to be, people with access to technology like this should be careful with how much they use it.