Weathers ask Are We Having Fun? and the answer is ‘No’

Weather’s newest album ‘Are We Having Fun?’ released on the 5th.
May 15, 2023
Are We Having Fun? solidifies Weathers’ place in the alternative pop genre while maintaining the upbeat backing to their depressing lyrics. But the album doesn’t do anything that Weathers haven’t already done in previous releases, and so the depressed pop star persona and music continue.
The opening song, “One of a Kind,” immediately sets the tone of the album. It is a faux celebration of being “one of a kind” but actually reflects a feeling of isolation.
The instrumentals are very secondary to the vocals, as is often characteristic of pop music, but they still build off of one another nicely.
The next song, “All Caps,” focuses on the suspicion of a significant other cheating. The lyrics also focus on how technology influences communication and surveillance within romantic relationships.
The song has more synths in the backing, and it plays well with the commentary on digital media. The instrumentals also flow well with the increasing frustration through the song.
“All Caps” also features John the Ghost, the frontman of The Maine. His voice contrasts nicely with vocalist Cameron Boyer, adding more interest to the simplistic repetition of the chorus.
The next song that stands out is “Where Do I sign?” Weathers take an edgier sound in the song and pair it nicely with the sinking feeling of desperation. The song marks a shift from wallowing in self misery to being willing to take any and all steps to heal.
The track “Carsick” begins to wrap up the theme of continued heartache. The song focuses on the turmoil of knowing a relationship is toxic but still having feelings. The lyrics explore the dichotomy of good times and the lasting effects of a bad relationship.
The last song on the album, “Little Castaway,” is a song about letting go to try and move on. It maintains the melancholy tone of the album, but is an endpoint of emotional turmoil.
Are We Having Fun Yet? is a depressing album with some fun beats that creates an interesting emotional journey.
Holly Villa • May 29, 2023 at 9:08 pm
The album is a hit! Go see them live! The crowd loves the songs a the band!