Porter brings leadership skills to lacrosse, softball

Eli T

Kaitlyn Porter, who is a senior, plays on the girls lacrosse team

Ava Bell and Eli Traud

When senior Kaitlyn Porter played one season of lacrosse in third grade, she was unaware that six years later the game would become a prominent aspect of her high school career. 

“I wanted to play another sport in high school other than softball, so I chose lacrosse because I was familiar with it,” Porter said. 

Porter began playing softball when she was 10 years old. Although she has been playing softball for a longer period of time, lacrosse has become a bigger priority in Porter’s athletic life.

“Between lacrosse and softball, lacrosse is my main priority, but the two seasons don’t interfere with one another too much except that I miss a few softball games during the beginning of the season,” Porter said. 

It is not difficult for her to find motivation to practice to try to be the best teammate she can. The girls lacrosse team has a new coach this year, Gionna Alessandro, and Porter said she brings excitement for the team. 

“Her mindset is a change to the pace that we were used to because of the prior years of not doing so well. With her motivation and our hard work, we are already doing a lot better this year,” Porter said. 

The team’s current record is 1-10, which is slight progress from last year’s 0-17, though the girls have scored more goals this season. 

Another positive sign is that the district began a program for younger lacrosse girls who want to gain experience before their freshman season. 

“When you play with these other players, you are able to play better because you know how to work together and communicate,” Porter said about the program.

Porter’s teammates notice her drive in lacrosse and explain how she is able to inspire and motivate the team with her determination. Senior Marissa Bordone said Porter is helpful on and off the field. 

“Kaitlyn inspires me to get ahead in my work because she is always on the ball,” Bordone said. “She pushes me to be a better player and she teaches me the skills I need to improve.”

While balancing lacrosse and softball, Porter also juggles multiple Advanced Placement and honors classes and National Honors Society.

“With work and sports, I use my time wisely by getting my (school) work done in free periods and during the time after sports,” Porter said. 

Along with her school activities, she is also involved in a youth group and is working at Paramount Senior Living. 

“I value helping others and giving back to my community,” Porter said. 

Senior Gabrielle Dawley, a softball teammate, and a coworker, knows she can rely on Porter on the field and during work. 

“Kaitlyn is very hard working and she never complains about having to put in effort,” Dawley said. “She is someone you can always depend on to do the things the team needs to do. If the team needs a hit, she will get a hit.”

One of Porter’s most fond memories while playing lacrosse came during last year’s senior rec game against Mt. Lebanon. 

“At the time the score was 16-0. I took the draw and won, so I brought the ball down the field and went past multiple defenders and scored,” Porter said. 

Porter is attending Slippery Rock University next fall in hopes of pursuing exercise science pre-physical therapy. She plans to try out for the Slippery Rock girls lacrosse team or an intramural league.