Warhol series on Netflix explains his life, art
Even with his passing, his art still affects people today, even if not all understand it. His art was an escape from reality. Art fans can still go downtown to his museum and escape reality with him.
March 21, 2022
Most Pittsburgh residents know about Andy Warhol and his museum on the North Side. Not everyone, though, knows about his life or the origins of his artwork. Netflix recently has released The Andy Warhol Diaries to shed light on this reserved artist.
The first episode of the six-part documentary gives a summary of Warhol and his art. It touches briefly on his sexualtiy, which he was able to express through his art since he couldn’t be open and out.
The second episode talks about him going to New York to start up his life as an artist. He becomes famous because of how different his art is compared to the others in the art scene in New York. Soon he moves on to his famous silkscreen paintings of Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy, and many more.
With people working for him, Warhol meets Jed Johnson, whom Warhol describes as beautiful. Not too long afterward, Warhol is shot by a deranged woman. He surprisingly lives; the doctors thought he would go into a coma and die. In recovery, Johnson takes care of him, which brings them closer. Since Warhol never showed his emotions, it takes a toll on Jed, so he makes the decision to leave.
Episode three, four, and five continue with Warhol’s life and art. It takes a dive into his life with clubbing and the drugs that come along with his nightlife, which affect his daily life.
Episode six talks about how the HIV/AIDS epidemic hits New York, and how Warhol accepts a commission honoring “The Last Supper.” This piece had a connection with the HIV pandemic with his special take on art itself.
With years of drugs affecting his weak heart, Warhol went into surgery on Feb. 22, 1987, but died.
Even with his passing, his art still affects people today, even if not all understand it. His art was an escape from reality. Art fans can still go downtown to his museum and escape reality with him.