Opinion: Young people need to step up political involvement

Teenagers expressing their evolving political opinions can help to move society forward. New ideas and feelings towards government policies can improve society.
December 14, 2021
In a constantly changing world, teenagers who get involved in politics can have a bigger effect than ever.
Many teens stay away from politics because they feel it does not affect them, but in reality one day it will. It could be taxes, human rights, employment, or healthcare — everything runs deeper into politics.
With the long-lasting Covid pandemic, many people have noticed masks becoming political. People relate everything from clothing, body modifications, and personal choices to political parties.
Teenagers expressing their evolving political opinions can help to move society forward. New ideas and feelings towards government policies can improve society.
With social media and cancel culture, what is deemed socially acceptable has changed, but these forces do not have just a negative impact. Though some believe young people have become too sensitive, understanding other peoples’ struggles is uniting. In an effort to work together, younger generations can make progress on respecting each other and thus prepare for the future.
By revolving judgments around respect, teens can create a safer and more accepting world for future generations too. Respect should be a bare minimum expectation.
Many historical movements, such as the beginning of the women’s rights movement, were rooted in upset teenagers looking to take action. Change cannot happen without the expression of new ideas.
Today, some teens do not always take seriously issues like government funding for projects such as suicide prevention, LGBTQ+ support, or services. But any day the person in need of those services could be them or a loved one.
Politics should be taken seriously because government policies affect the lives of people everywhere. It is selfish to assume everyone experiences the same struggles. Without support and understanding, these struggles will never diminish.
The government should not be the enemy. It should be a supportive system to assist its people in need. Teenagers getting involved is the first step in making the needed changes a reality.