Woman in the Window isn’t perfect, but gets a lot right

Psychologist Anna Fox (Amy Adams) becomes suspicious of her new neighbors when she witnesses things that she should not have seen in new film The Woman in the Window.
May 21, 2021
Psychologist, Anna Fox (Amy Adams) becomes suspicious of her new neighbors when she witnesses some disturbing things in the new film The Woman in the Window. Anna has a hard time with her mental health while trying to figure out what is going on with her mysterious neighbors.
This drama-filled film has many dark and gory scenes and also includes some sad scenes as well. This film has quickly climbed the top 10 on Netflix.
Anna struggles with getting people to believe what she is seeing, which adds even more mystery and suspense to the film. Adams does an amazing job portraying her role in this film, as she shows how her character wants everyone to be able to believe her.
However, there are some flaws with this film as well.
There are parts of the film that are unoriginal in some ways. For example, the idea of having someone think that they witness a crime has been done before in the famous Hitchcock film Rear Window. There are also parts of the movie that seem to be a little bit too violent.
In addition, although the acting was very good, the plot of having police officers not believe someone has also been used a lot through the years.
Although The Woman in the Window may not be the most original, it still does offer a good plot with great acting.