Sk8 the Infinity introduces anime fans to skateboarding

As with a lot of shows, this one has encouraged viewers to try out something new. Many fans have picked up skateboarding for themselves, curious about what exactly the characters find fascinating.

As with a lot of shows, this one has encouraged viewers to try out something new. Many fans have picked up skateboarding for themselves, curious about what exactly the characters find fascinating.

Khushila Dulal, Staff Writer

SK8 the Infinity shows anime fans the new possibilities that can come with exploring different genres, along with sparking a new interest for many. 

The show follows the story of Reki Kyan, a cheerful skating fanatic, and his friendship with the new transfer student from Canada, Langa Hasegawa. Through the episodes, the two discover their love and passion for skateboarding all while their friendship is tested due to insecurities. 

The show is ongoing and happens to be one of the few anime series that does not have a manga to go along with it. That leaves the viewers with no idea of how the story is truly going to unfold, therefore adding a huge element of mystery, with each episode bringing new surprises. 

As with a lot of shows, this one has encouraged viewers to try out something new. Many fans have picked up skateboarding for themselves, curious about what exactly the characters find fascinating. 

Working on a show that’s about something as full of motion as skateboarding requires a great deal of attention to the animation side. However, the animation definitely does not disappoint and instead surpasses many expectations due to the skillful hands working on the show. 

Just by watching the scene, the viewers can tell exactly what the character at that moment is feeling. That is incredibly hard to do when all the screen shows are 2D pixels, but the show makes the viewers love the characters enough that they feel just as real as actual people. 

As loved as the show is, many people are still discontent with many aspects of it. A big issue that gained a lot of attention on social media is whether or not the show is queerbaiting its viewers, queerbaiting being a term used for a marketing tactic where creators hint at but do not actually depict same-sex romance or LGBTQ+ representation. 

The show definitely hints at many characters being somewhat queer, but the viewers cannot know for sure whether it truly is queerbaiting or not until the show is fully completed. 

Regardless, it is clear that the show is loved by both the viewers and the creators.