Easier to take care of as well as being reusable, fake Christmas trees are the better option for many people.
The 15 School Days of Christmas: In this debate, fake beats real every time
In the annual holiday debate between real trees and fake ones, the fake trees win easily. That’s because a fake Christmas tree can do everything a real Christmas tree can do, and more.
A fake tree can have more value, because it can be passed down through your family for generations, while a real Christmas tree dies each year.
A fake tree is much safer than a real one. About 160 house fires per year have started due to real Christmas trees, resulting in millions of dollars in property damage each year.
Real Christmas trees also require a lot more upkeep than a fake Christmas tree does. A real Christmas tree must be watered at least once a day, and all of those fallen pine needles need to be picked up each day.
When buying a real Christmas tree, you also take the chance of not getting a good tree and having it die before Christmas day. But if you buy a fake Christmas tree, then it can stay up until you want to take it down, and of course it won’t die before Christmas.
Real Christmas trees are also just not for everyone. For example, people with allergies could end up getting sick from the tree, and if someone has pets, then the pets could try to eat the tree and possibly get sick.
Some people say that real Christmas trees are less expensive than a fake tree. This may be true for one year, but over the years the cost of buying a real tree each Christmas starts to add up, and a fake Christmas tree will start sounding like a better idea.
Some people may say that a real Christmas tree is better because it can be recycled after use. A fake Christmas tree, however, can be used for many years.