Junior class officers’ new project gives back
Junior class officers hope to give back to the community through their new project. Back row L-R Kaylee Carlins, Lexi Kilburn, Jeffery Natter, CJ Lucas, Taylor Mincin Front row L-R Julia Stipetic, Mariah Jones
November 19, 2019
Some lucky customers at Dunkin’ Donuts and Chick-fil-A will get a pleasant surprise next week, thanks to the junior class.
For their “Thankful We Can Give Back” project, junior class officers purchased two $100 gift cards, one to each restaurant. They plan on delivering the cards to the Curry Hollow Dunkin’ and the Pleasant Hills Chick-fil-A, where employees will then be able to use them to pay for drive-through customers’ orders.
Junior class President Lexi Kilburn said she came up with the idea after trying to practice kind deeds herself.
“Sometimes I go through through the drive through in the morning and I’ll pay for the person behind me to help make someone’s day,” Kilburn said.
Kilburn wanted to do something similar with the junior class and decided that gift cards would be a good way to easily give back to the community.
Officers plan on delivering the cards to the restaurants on Monday, and they will be used on Tuesday morning.