Design by Paige Crawley

Purbalite seniors share their farewell columns as they wrap up their high school years.

Senior farewells: Staff writers reflect on their time at Baldwin

Senior Farewell: Don’t let college concerns rule your high school years
Senior Farewell: Baldwin sports has seen it all over the past four years
Senior Farewell: Hip hop’s changed over the years
Senior Farewell: Baldwin volleyball helped define our high school life
Senior Farewell: I took too many AP classes
Senior Farewell: Sports moments over the years are unforgettable
Senior Farewell: Underclassmen shouldn’t stress over high school experiences
Senior Farewell: Penguins brought Pittsburgh together these past four years
Senior Farewell: How public speaking class changed my life
Senior Farewell: Utilize your time the way you want to in high school
Senior Farewell: We have seen great professional sports moments
Class of 2019: Time to take next step

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