New Netflix show fails to have a strong story


Trish Esposito, Staff Writer

Netflix’s newest original movie, Anon, dives into a unique perspective between reality and technology, far exceeding just the problems of social media.

Anon resembles some aspects of Black Mirror, where people live in a world where instant information and data is implemented into one’s worldview, recorded, and uploaded to a cloud storage called “the Ether,” allowing access to their records. The system facilitates the ability to discover the truth with minimum effort and thus, prevents crime.

The Ether becomes even more dangerous when rogue hackers edit and remove past events, twisting and omitting aspects of the truth. Soon, editing the past leads to editing the present and distorting reality.

As the technology in the Information Age continues to grow more advanced, Anon is a compelling perspective on the world that people in today’s society may create for tomorrow. However, the movie focuses on the whodunnit aspect of the plot and fails to take advantage of the many opportunities the unique story provides.

The story sets an interesting premise, but the plot fails to be interesting. As a result of the film’s attempt to build up the climax, the resolution falls flat. The characters are supposed to be mysterious but seem bland.

Consequently, the message of the story suffers because the film fails to strike a chord with the audience. Anon tells the story of a mystery surrounded by a futuristic, corrupt world that heavily impacts people’s lives, yet their stories are never told.