Saras raises money for Cystic Fibrosis


Staff Writers

Staff members wearing sneakers today didn’t forget their dress shoes. They were participating in a fundraiser organized by Assistant Principal Jay Saras, who is one of “Pittsburgh’s 50 Finest” in the battle against cystic fibrosis.

For a small donation, staff could wear sneakers to help “kick” the disease.

“May is Cystic Fibrosis awareness month, so I thought I’d do it on the last day of May,” Saras said.

Saras was named one of “Pittsburgh’s 50 Finest” in April through his work with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and is the only staff member at Baldwin to work with the foundation to become one of the finest. Yet, he’s not the only one in his family.

“My sister was one of Pittsburgh’s finest,” Saras said.

His family has been helping the foundation for a while, but they don’t have any members who have the disease. He has, however, met doctors treating cystic fibrosis and families dealing with the disease. He feels empathy for those going through this and enjoys helping them.

Saras has plans for further fundraisers out of school this summer. His fundraising ends at the end of August.

“My goal is to raise $5,000 for the organization. Anything that goes above is a bonus,” Saras said.

Saras encourages others who want to help to donate money and get involved with this and other causes.

“It’s a worthwhile experience,” Saras said.

Students can read more about Mr. Saras and help support the cause at