Halsey shows softer side in single

May 11, 2017
Halsey has shocked fans again with her single “Eyes Closed,” which is the epitome of pop music heard on the radio.
The single instrumentally is not too different from her previous songs, with Halsey’s voice being exposed. Halsey’s approach vocally to “Eyes Closed” is not as dynamic as her voice was on Badlands, her previous album, but has a softer tone, which allows fans to hear her talent.
However, the lyrics are too underdeveloped for her style. The chorus includes the same phrases repeated many times, and even worse, the chorus is repeated multiple times throughout the song.
The song’s meaning is the idea of being in a new relationship but still having feelings for another. “Eyes Closed” links up to the other songs on her upcoming album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, which is going to be released on June 2.
This new single, along with the other one she released a month ago, could mean fans will see a less dominant and empowering Halsey on her new album.