Special Olympics raises money for adaptive bike

January 13, 2017
Thanks to a family donation and club fundraisers, the Special Olympics club just recently raised more than $2,000 to buy an adaptive bike and training wheels for athletes in the club.
The club has had an adaptive bike for a long time, but it is older and not in the best shape.
The bike will be used in the Partner’s PE gym classes and the Summer Olympics that Baldwin hosts every spring.
“The kids are thrilled on how quickly the money was raised,” club co-sponsor Tim Laughlin said.
Senior Adia Achtzehn said she was excited that the club involved the athletes in selecting the bike.
“We know how much the athletes wanted it and we are excited to see them use it,” Achtzehn said.
Laughlin is proud on how well everyone worked together to make this a reality.
“This is a great part of my job to see how well everyone can come together to achieve one goal,” Laughlin said.