Teachers ready for their turn at stardom

Emma Dowker and MacKenzie Sendro

Physical education teacher Tim Laughlin soon will briefly switch his profession to meteorology as part of a team of teachers who will begin making guest appearances on the Morning Announcements.

Other teachers who already have expressed interest in participating include counselors Caroline Babik and Gerry Hall, as well as English teacher Michelle Jenkins.

Anchor spots are open to any teachers who are interested, in addition to the “Dream Team” that includes those four staff members, sponsor Chris Ross said.

“If this gets a lot of attention, we’ll hopefully be able to feature teachers from different buildings of the district as well,” Ross said.

Although the announcements have featured special guests in the past, the Highlander Highlights team is attempting to make this a weekly feature.

“Mr. Ross just sent out an email asking teachers if they would be interested,” Laughlin said.

“We’re just trying to bring more attention to the great work Mr. Ross and his crew do on the announcements,” Laughlin said. “Mr. Ross does a lot of behind-the-scenes, after-hours work and really thinks outside of the box.”

The plan is for teachers to appear on the announcements each Wednesday.

“I’m excited to bring some extra flair to the announcements and change things up, but we don’t want to take away from the students,” Laughlin said. “Mr. Ross does a lot for his students and for the announcements. It’s going to be great.”