Many people say that they are spiritual, not religious. They do not want to be connected to a specific religion. However, there are many benefits to adopting a particular religious practice.
Believing in a religion makes people generally happier. The practice of having your life revolve around one religion is calming in many ways. For example, most people say that going to a place of worship like a church or a temple is spiritually rewarding.
Developing the belief of one religion enables people to hone in on a set of practices that they live their daily lives by.
Many religions have a set of rules that followers are meant to live by. For example, Christianity and Judaism follow the Ten Commandments, while Muslims follow the Five Pillars of Islam. These sets of rules to live by help both the follower and their society.
The follower benefits because the act of following these rules is personally rewarding. The Ten Commandments, for example, are rules to live by that in turn make people less stressed.
The followers’ society benefits because the followers will not commit these unethical actions, leading to a more organized, happy society. This benefits the people close to the follower, like their friends and family, in the same way.
In addition, religions call followers to be kind to others. Many people find being kind to others makes them feel better themselves. Religions also teach people to be thankful for what they have. Being gracious towards these things in turn makes them feel happier.
Many religions have steps to guide followers through life. The Catholic Church has seven sacraments, including baptism, holy communion, repentance, holy matrimony, and more, to guide followers to through stages of their lives.
All religions have traditions. In Judaism, Passover is celebrated. Passover is a time to celebrate the end of Jewish slavery in Egypt. In Catholicism, Lent is a time when most people give up something in their lives that is challenging to leave behind. This is to remember the 40 days leading up to and including the death of Jesus Christ.
These traditions reinforce the values believed in by the religion. They are also used as a time to connect to the other members of their religious community by communicating about the liturgical season and experiencing it together.
Religion is a key part of many people’s lives that contributes to the wellness of the world. Non-religious people can be morally good, and some religious people do horrible things regularly. But overall, religion is a great path to take to become a better person.