Running out of TV shows and movies to stream? The Purbalite is here to help, with another installment of our What to Binge Watch feature.
Serial killers have always been a hot topic of discussion, with some of the most notorious serial killers having been a point of focus for decades.
Through the documentary series Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes, viewers are able to see not just what happened during Bundys killing spree, but what caused it and other related points about the serial killer’s life.
The series follows Bundy’s from his youth to how it ended in 1982. It showcases the important moments in his life that help explain why he killed as many people as he did.
It also includes recordings of Bundy’s voice as well as firsthand accounts from people who interacted with him as well as people who had to deal with him after he gained popularity.
The documentary is able to bring to light how challenging it really was to connect crimes across the country with a single person at the time of Bundy’s murders. It showed what the police did wrong with the case, and there are multiple times where people have said that if only they had paid better attention to the signs, Bundy would have been caught much earlier.
Overall, this is a very well put together documentary series that provides an insightful look into what Bundy experienced and what it took to capture him.