The term “bed rotting” refers to when a person lacks motivation and is unproductive, often spending a lot of time in bed. Being able to overcome poor daily habits like this requires a shift in someone’s mindset, discipline and commitment. The goal for people stuck in a bed rotting mindstate is to reclaim their own energy and productivity.
Good and bad habits will shape people’s daily lives. Certain habits – like procrastination, poor eating choices, and bedrotting – can seem difficult, but these are habits that actually can be easy to break.
A great way to overcome a bad habit is to start by identifying the habit, its trigger, and why you do it. Then you should create a plan to achieve goals that you’ve set. You shouldn’t just try to remove a bad habit without replacing it with something positive. That can lead to frustration and failure.
When I started to overcome my habit of bed rotting, it didn’t go as well as I initially expected. I just wanted to get better – but wasn’t pushing to get better.
Eventually I started to work on it more and more. I picked up new habits: cleaning the house when I first woke up, feeding myself and my cats, and taking a shower to go on with my day. With this being my senior year, I wanted a clear and open mind to focus on graduating.
As time goes on and progress starts to show, you should track it to see how far you have come. Being nice to yourself during this process is really important, so you can get through the process in a healthy way. Acknowledge that it is okay to forgive yourself if you have a setback; don’t let that setback ruin your positive mindset.
Having someone to share your goals with as you accomplish them can make a big difference. It’s very easy to get stuck on wondering “how” you are going to break these habits instead of wondering “why” you are in that rut. For example, ask yourself “Why am I doing this?” or “Why is breaking this habit good for me?”
Creating a safe space for yourself after a hard work day, school day, or even when you’re just not believing in yourself can help you break the habit. Being patient with yourself is important: Breaking daily habits doesn’t just happen overnight; it takes time, and with time there is progress.
Overcoming bad habits and replacing them with new and better ones in a journey. By taking small steps, you can change your behavior and start living a better and healthier life. Celebrate your wins in life no matter how small or unimportant they may seem.
Change is possible and it all starts with what you do today.