The 2021 hit show Squid Game has returned with a second season but ends with a devastating cliffhanger, leaving many to wonder what’s to come.
The second season begins with Seong Gi-Hun’s previous loan sharks desperately searching for the whereabouts of the Squid Game’s recruiter. After finding the recruiter and overcoming much turmoil and conflict, Seong finally has a chance to talk to the Frontman, the boss of the games.
Seong begs him to end the games, but the Frontman threatens his life. As a resolution, Seong asks for him to be allowed back in the games, proposing that the VIPs would enjoy and find it entertaining.
The Frontman agrees and Seong wakes up back in the games after being gassed, surprised to see familiar faces.
The second season is executed well with good use of surprise and fear while also including elements like joy and humor. Also, even though the show has hour-long episodes, there are never moments where it felt like time is being wasted or the episode is being dragged out.
The second season also develops its characters well by giving everyone a good backstory and personality, making each character complex and enjoyable.
While some fans might dislike the ending of this season, it is a good cliffhanger that keeps viewers wanting more.
Overall, this new season is executed well, with the good parts overpowering the bad.
The third season is planned to air later this year.