The 15 School Days of Christmas: Should Christmas mean going to church?

Christmas is one of the most important religious holidays for Christians. And Christians celebrate this day by attending church services.
These church services celebrate Jesus’s life. Christmas is his birthday and it is a day to remember his entire life, since Christians believe that Jesus was the savior of the world and his suffering offered forgiveness for our sins.
Going to Mass or a church service also brings a community of people together – some who regularly attend services and some who haven’t had the time to attend often.
Additionally, during the stressful times of the holiday, a great number of Christians believe that going to church on Christmas brings them a sense of relief by giving them a chance to talk to God.
Often, Christmas church services are festive, with special Christmas music. Some churches even hold a Christmas pageant – a play featuring the children to tell the Christmas story. These pageants bring joy and peace to the people attending: The parents love to watch their kids on stage, and it is a new and fun experience for the kids participating in the play.
Another heartwarming tradition Christians often participate in – not only around Christmas time but weekly – is offering donations to people in need. Some churches even hold toy drives for kids who may not be as fortunate as others during the holidays.
Overall, going to a church service or Mass on Christmas not only brings people together but also holds a sentimental value to the people in attendance. In addition, the holiday reminds everyone about the sacrifices Jesus made for our sins.
Although Christmas is a religious holiday, most people see it as a time to see extended family and take part in seasonal activities like ice skating, sled riding, baking cookies, and giving loved ones meaningful and personal gifts.
Christmas is a holiday known for bringing a community of people together. But that doesn’t just mean everyone has to go to church on Christmas to stay connected with others.
Around the holidays, people can attend different events, such as Christmas light shows, movies, or Christmas plays. They can even just have a simple white elephant party at their home. All of these events can bring people together without the need to go to a church service.
Christmas is also a time to cook and enjoy meals with family members. These events can give extended family members a chance to relax and enjoy spending time with each other. But the planning and meal preparations for these events also strengthen family ties. Family recipes and traditions are shared, creating lasting memories.
These important family gatherings, though, can make fitting in a trip to church a challenge.
Couples who have young children also can find it difficult to attend a church service. These families might struggle with having to deal with a crying baby or whiny toddler during a church service that is meant to be quiet and respectful.
It’s also common for families to split their time between both sides of the family, with many choosing to visit one spouse’s relatives on Christmas Eve and the other’s on Christmas Day. This can leave little room for attending church services, especially during the busy holiday times.