Should Christmas gatherings go big or stay small?
Celebrating Christmas with just immediate family is more special than spending it with a bunch of people. It allows families to have more quality time with fewer people, rather than less time with more people.
Spending time in a smaller family setting creates a more personalized experience. Family members are able to create more memories with the people they are closest to, rather than with people they don’t know as well.
These memories, such as gifting and getting presents, are a lot more special when people have more time to create a meaningful present to give. Being in a larger group usually means having to give more presents and be more rushed.
Because there are fewer people to worry about buying gifts for in a small gathering, there is more time and money that can go into finding the perfect gifts.
Immediate family gatherings also allow families to have a more relaxing holiday because there is less stress on everyone. Having to organize and plan a small gathering is a lot less stressful than trying to create a larger one.
Having a smaller family gathering for the holidays means less chance of arguments between people. Being stressed, especially around the holidays, can cause people to be on edge, which can then lead to arguments.
Also, there will be no need to introduce people to each other because everyone already knows each other. This makes it less awkward and more comfortable, since no one has to worry about everyone fitting in with each other.
Immediate family gatherings also allow families to have a more relaxing holiday because there is less stress on everyone. Having to organize and plan a small gathering is a lot less stressful than trying to create a larger one.
It is also a lot less expensive compared with trying to get everyone together for the holiday. While it is nice being able to see more distant relatives, around the holidays is not the best time to do it. Flights and traveling in general get very pricey during the holidays, which creates overall more stress.
Sitting by the fire and opening presents is so much more special when people get to do it with family. This experience is even better when it’s with the whole extended family.
Being surrounded by close and distant relatives makes Christmas so much more exciting for kids. Not only do they get to see their everyday loved ones, but they also get to see cousins, aunts, and grandparents whom they might otherwise only see on social media occasionally.
While large gatherings make buying gifts more confusing, having the whole family pitch in allows everyone to get a gift from someone different. It also allows families to do fun things such as having a Secret Santa.
With more people involved, tasks such as cooking, decorating, and organizing can be much less stressful. The work is spread out more easily, allowing people to focus on one task.
Having the extended family together can also diversify the holiday, as family members might bring different types of food and gifts. This makes the overall atmosphere of the holiday more exciting.
Traditions such as having a big snowball fight or eating a huge feast in Grandma’s dining room create meaningful memories for the entire family. That is why having all of the relatives in one place is so special.
For those family members looking to introduce a new significant other to the family, Christmas is a great time for everyone to get to know the person.
Some people also have nowhere to go on Christmas and can feel left out or lonely. Having a big party makes it so everyone has the company of family or friends on Christmas.
The chaotic atmosphere is something that some people enjoy more. They find the challenges of decorating and gift-giving to be fun.
For those who live more laid-back lives, a little bit of chaos around the holiday is a nice change to their overall tone.