Alternative rock band Linkin Park turns the page on its old sound and welcomes a new era with its new album, From Zero.
Linkin Park has always been known for its distinct sound, which was formulated by former lead singer Chester Bennington’s vocals and the blend of hip-hop with rock. After Bennington’s death in 2017, the band went on hiatus for over seven years.
They announced their reunion with new singer Emily Armstrong in September. The album they created with Armstrong, From Zero, is good – albeit different from anything Linkin Park has done previously.
The album has moments that are reminiscent of what Linkin Park is known for. “Heavy is the Crown” has rap moments from co-founder Mike Shinoda as well as interesting instrumentals at the beginning and end. These are elements that can be found in their earlier music.
“Casualty” puts both Armstrong’s and Shinoda’s voices to good use, showing the force both of them can possess.
One of the best songs on the album by far is “Two Faced,” which carries the intensity and catchiness of classic Linkin Park. It has a familiar type of instrumentation and vocals, even with a new singer.
Although there are many good songs on the album, it would be understandable for some fans to be disappointed with it. This album does not reach the standard set by Linkin Park’s previous albums, most notably Hybrid Theory and Meteora.
While Armstrong does a good job at putting her own spice into the music, Bennington had an energy and a talent that nobody else can replicate.
Also, the lyrics – although good in some parts — can be boring or predictable in others.
Overall, this album is worth a shot. Whether listeners are newcomers or long-term fans of Linkin Park, some pretty catchy songs might have some appeal. But it probably won’t be everybody’s favorite record.