Pro/Con: Cute or scary Halloween costumes
With the spooky season quickly approaching, the debate over whether to wear a scary or cute costume arises. While Halloween is traditionally celebrated with all things horror, some people are revamping the holiday, taking a cuter approach to dressing up.
Princesses, animals, and animated characters are some examples of cute Halloween costumes. For this Halloween season, some popular costumes include cheetahs, Disney princesses, and the Power Puff Girls.
These lovable, lighthearted costumes have teenagers connecting with their childhood, while still being mature. Cute costumes are also more aesthetically pleasing for posting pictures on social media, which is a big part of Halloween for this generation.
There are so many more possibilities for group costumes with the cute route. Iconic fictional friend groups like in Winnie the Pooh and Scooby Doo are raging this year.
Some people are also taking a non-traditional approach to costumes, putting a cute twist on something that is usually depicted as scary. Cute clowns, dolls, and devils are some of the few popular costumes that have been made cute.
Simplicity is in this year, and that is a big part of cute costumes. There is need to buy an expensive, pre-made costume from Spirit Halloween that will only be worn once. Cute costumes can be put together from clothes you already have and will continue to use.
The cuter the costume the less mess there is. Forget the fake blood that will stain clothes, and try a simple deer-eyed makeup look with a quickly blackened nose.
Scary costumes stay more in tradition for Halloween, because Halloween is meant to be frightening. Scary costumes and makeup are more fun to create and dress up as, rather than simple costumes that can be seen as boring.
Spending money on a scary Halloween costume is more worth it than spending cash on a cute one. It is easy to find cheap costumes that are scary. Even just doing simple makeup is good enough to have a great scary costume.
Also, spending the money to find pieces for a cute outfit to wear again is going to be more expensive because people are going to look at name-brand stores. It is much cheaper to go to a Halloween store and buy all the pieces to a scary costume at once.
Halloween makeup is more fun to do, especially for the season. It is more fun to change up from normal makeup to scary makeup. Since it is a holiday, people should try a new and different aesthetic.
Scary costumes are more creative, and there are endless costume options. People can even turn basic cute costumes scary. Some examples are a haunted doll and a zombie cheerleader.
There are cute elements to every other holiday, including Valentine’s Day and Christmas. Halloween should stay traditional and represent all things scary.