Coldplay’s new album, Moon Magic, is one of the best new albums of the band’s career.
Moon Magic is Coldplay’s 10th album. They announced they would be retiring after the release of their 12th album.
What makes this one of their best is the change in style. Their music is very different from what it used to be. They have done a really good job of releasing something that is tailored to the younger generation that listens to them now.
There is a different feeling that fans get when listening to the new album. Most of their older songs told a story in some way or made listeners feel some kind of emotion. Their new album has a lot more about personal improvement songs, or songs to make listeners feel better about themselves.
“Feels Like I’m Falling In Love” is one of the best songs on the album because it has an extremely catchy rhythm and a nice flow to it. “I Am A Mountain” is another really good song, giving off a feeling of self-empowerment that can make people feel inspired.
This new album has set a new standard for the band as a whole, as they are still putting out good music that everyone can enjoy.