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Pro/Con: Musical productions prove divisive

Musicals can create diverse opinions between multiple people Photo via Adobe Stock
Musicals can create diverse opinions between multiple people Photo via Adobe Stock
Opinion: Skip all the singing and watch movies instead

There are many ways to get entertainment today, from movies to TV shows and cartoons. But musicals are just a waste of time. 

First, in musicals, characters just randomly burst into song and dance when they feel a strong emotion or when they have a problem. In the real world, when people have feelings or problems, they just deal with them or talk to someone about them.

Who wants to watch a bunch of people sing about problems they have? Just deal with them, rather than making it a big deal. 

Musicals are so over the top and dramatic for no reason, and there is always some type of cringy overacting that is just hard to sit through. The random eye contact that audience members can make with the actors is also super awkward. 

Also, too many musicals are just copies of good movies, such as Legally Blonde and Mean Girls. It is much better to watch a movie with better plot and character development than to watch people singing and dancing.

Musicals almost always have a happy ending. You can count on one hand the number of unhappy endings in musicals. Meanwhile, watching movies gives audiences a range of endings or an unexpected plot twist. Movies also offer more variety in genres than musicals.

There can always be some way that something bad happens in terms of the musical production because it’s live theater. With movies, viewers know that nothing will go wrong with the production. 

Finally, the theaters that people have to sit in to see musicals are almost always cramped, and viewers are seated near people they don’t know. And while that does happen at movie theaters, movie viewers can still recline their chairs and eat popcorn. The audience at a musical doesn’t get the same amenities offered at a movie theater or from the comfort of your own home.

Opinion: Movie fans should drop the hate

There is a lot of hate for musical productions, but most of it is unwarranted.

Musicals blend both drama and music to create an unforgettable experience for the viewer. A good movie can be unforgettable as well, but musicals are undoubtedly more impressive. 

First off, all the actors have only one chance each night to get it right, and there are no do-overs. A movie director could reshoot a scene 100 times if they wanted to, but the crew in a musical does not have that chance. The work that goes into making sure the production runs smoothly is often overlooked. There are all kinds of after-effects on movies that musicals do not need to be captivating.

The designs are also breathtaking, and so much work goes into making everything look pretty. From elaborate props like carriages and horses to outfits for actors, it all comes together professionally and beautifully.

Also, the vocals in musicals are distinctive. Even if the song’s substance is nothing remarkable, it is beautiful to hear the voice of a theater actor in person. 

Musicals give people a chance to come together. Similarly to movies, seeing a musical can become a talking point to connect with others. It also could give insight into the amount of work that the actors put into the show, and allow appreciation for those in the community. 

As for the argument that musicals are ‘‘too emotional,’’ or ‘‘over the top’’ – well, that is the entire point. Music is an inherently emotional thing, and musicals are all about exploring the emotions of their characters. 

Sometimes the plot may fall short due to this, but not everything is a masterpiece. A musical can provide just a fun and happy time with family and friends. Musical fans do not tear down movies, so there is no reason for film buffs to tear down musicals.

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