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Montgomery returns with catchy yet calming music

The new album has little to no repetition, unlike his earlier effort. Photo via Warner Records.

Finally, after eight years of not making a full album, Ricky Montgomery has made a new album called Rick(y).

Montgomery is a singer whose most famous song is “Mr. Loverman.” Fans have been waiting for a new album that isn’t related to the edits of his older album, Montgomery Ricky, and it absolutely is worth the wait.

Though he has previously released singles for this new album, the newer songs that are appearing for the first time on this album are both calming and insanely catchy.

For example, “Penny Come Home” is a calming song with a catchy tune, with lyrics about a woman dying and her lover having to let go.

The new album has little to no repetition, unlike his earlier effort. While he uses the same generic love genre, he changes it up with the sound of his songs, and his voice sounds more mature than his earlier album.

His new album is also twice as long, featuring 23 songs, as opposed to the 10 on the old record.

This new album marks a step forward for Montgomery, and more music fans should check him out.

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Zander Vecchione
Zander Vecchione, Staff Writer
Freshman Zander Vecchione is a first-year Staff Writer. He can be found listening to music or watching movies.
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