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Essential Listening: ‘Dream’ shows off Cass Elliot’s vocal skill

Musician Cass Elliot’s soft vocals play a significant role in her songs. Photo Via Dunhill.

Tired of your Spotify playlists? The Purbalite is here to help with our Essential Listening series.

Cass Elliot’s 1968 album, Dream A Little Dream, might be older, but it shows Elliot’s gentle but powerful skills.

Throughout the album, Elliot brings classical beats and gentle vocals. The album has a 1960s movie soundtrack type sound to it.

“Talkin’ To Your Toothbrush” features Elliot’s soft vocals and joyful sound. While the song sounds playful, the meaning is a dark story of a wife waiting for her lover to come back. 

Throughout the album Elliot often has a melancholic tone, while some songs also feature a happy and an upbeat tone. 

Though many of the songs on the album are covers, Elliot’s beautiful, classy voice adds more character to them.

Elliot’s famous cover of Ozzie Nelson’s “Dream A Little Dream of Me” has a magical sort of sound to it. The song talks about yearning and an unrealistic love that is “only acquirable in dreams.”

“Burn Your Hatred” is another mellow-sounding song on the album. The song discusses feelings of uncertainty in a relationship with a sad tone throughout it.

While Elliot’s lyricism isn’t her best skill, her vocals play a significant role in these songs.

Elliot’s sound is highlighted throughout Dream A Little Dream, particularly her unique vocals and her ability to turn sadness into song.

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About the Contributor
Jacey Radcliffe
Jacey Radcliffe, Staff Writer
Junior Jacey Radcliffe is a first-year Staff Writer. When she’s not listening to Lana Del Rey or Cass Elliot, she can be found drawing or hanging out with friends in her free time.
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