The series Bungo Stray Dogs follows Atsushi Nakajima, who is part of the Armed Detective Agency. The series begins with a fight between the Port Mafia and the detective agency as they battle for power over the city.
The previous season of the series ended with the Armed Detective Agency and Port Mafia joining forces to prevent the end of the world. Both groups were put into a dilemma, as their opposing force, the Decay of Angels, had taken over the majority of the government.
The Decay of Angels group also poses a threat to the detective agency by tarnishing its reputation and creating fear among the people.
Following the previous mystery-based season, the series continues the storyline and answers the questions raised last season. The plot is well developed to create a perfect amount of suspense relating to how the detective agency will save the world.
Throughout the season, the characters show drastic development and growth, as they are exposed to new challenges and revelations. As the action builds, new characters are introduced well, so the audience grows to like them.
The show surely lives up to its reputation as one of the best animes to watch.