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Released in 2011, Camp is Childish Gambino’s first studio album, and it features many great beats and catchy lyrics.
The album has 13 songs with a 56-minute run-time.
It is a great album from start to finish, with amazing songs including “Bonfire” and “Heartbeat.” These are the most popular songs on the album for a good reason. Both songs bring iconic beats and catchy hooks, which contribute to their fame.
Gambino’s strong lyricism is shown throughout this entire album, especially on the song “Outside.” This is the opening track of the album and it is an audio autobiography, highlighting his struggles at a young age.
A cool aspect of this album comes in the last song, “That Power,” which has a monologue at the end detailing how Gambino confessed his love for a girl at summer camp and was met with rejection.
There are no truly weak songs on this album. Songs like “Backpackers” and “All the Shine” don’t stand out as much as other songs, but they are still strong.
Gamino’s talent has been shown throughout his musical career, starting with this album.