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Blue Slide Park by Mac Miller is part of the Pittsburgh legend’s discography that often is overlooked in favor of his other projects, namely K.I.D.S., Swimming, and Circles.
Blue Slide Park is essential to Mac’s discography as it further links him with Pittsburgh, his hometown. His references to locations within the city help provide a more unique and personalized experience for Pittsburgh listeners.
Despite not being as popular as his other work, Blue Slide Park still has much to offer for fans of Mac Miller.
Tracks like “Frick Park Market,” “Under The Weather,” and “PA Nights” are some of the best and most recognizable from the album. Each of these highlights Miller’s hometown Pittsburgh, his Jewish heritage, and of course, his lyrical ability.
Still, “Missed Calls” steals the show as Mac opens up about his failing relationship as it reaches its breaking point. “Diamonds and Gold” is another fan favorite that tells the story of a woman who’s been hurt by love and uses money and material items to compensate, ultimately leaving her alone.
Using these tracks, Mac paints a picture of Pittsburgh and how deeply important the city is to his development as both an artist and a person.