The Night Country, a new season of the True Detective series on HBO, puts a shocking twist on a classic crime show.
True Detective is in its fourth season. Every season follows a different story with different characters.
The most recent season of the show follows many twists and turns as it dives deeper into the murders, the town in Alaska that is the setting, and possible supernatural elements.
It stars Jodie Foster as detective Liz Danvers, who, like many of the characters in the show, is morally gray and entertaining to watch. She consistently makes questionable decisions and does not care what anyone else thinks of her.
Behind her tough exterior, though, is a caring woman who will do anything for the people she cares about – even kill.
The show follows Danvers and detective Evangeline Navarro, played by Kali Reis, as they investigate the mysterious deaths of a local indigenous woman named Annie K, and scientists who are killed on the ice.
Danvers and Nevaro are bonded together through past traumatic experiences and their connection to the town.
Throughout the show Danvers calls upon Peter Prior, played by Finn Bennett, to help find the murderer. Prior struggles maintaining a work-life balance and the stress of solving a murder.
Prior’s father is an officer at the same police station as Danvers and Peter, and this causes a lot of conflict between the family.
The family dynamics in the show are a constant background. It can sometimes be uncomfortable, but it can also be endearing. Not all families in the show are blood-related, which highlights the “found family” aspect found in many small towns.
True Detective has been also known for using religious elements throughout the four seasons to deepen the plot. This season is no different since it uses traditional indigenous religion and cultural practices to add realism to the story.
There are also political elements of the story that parallel real life. The mine in the fictional town of Ennis lies about its pollution output, has control over some of the police, and causes protests.
The show uses a fair amount of gore throughout to show the violence of the murders, but that does not make the show hard to watch.