Sony’s Madame Web movie is a boring addition to the Spider-Man universe.
The movie follows Cassandra Webb, played by Dakota Johnson, who begins seeing premonitions of the future. She meets three women and realizes she has to help protect them from Ezekiel Sims, a spider person who wants to kill them.
Sims also has the ability to see into the future, and he sees that in 10 years, these women will be the people to kill him.
While it is an interesting premise, the potential is squandered on a terrible film.
The dialogue is cheesy, with lines that scream out that they were written with a pen and paper, never meant to see the big screen.
The action scenes, arguably the most vital parts of a superhero movie, are lackluster at best. Even the cinematography is humorously bad, with sitcom-like zoom-ins and uninteresting camera movements.
While nothing about the movie stands out positively, the performance from Dakota Johnson is decent for what it is. And the soundtrack is pretty good, featuring female artists such as Britney Spears and Tiffany.
Overall, this is a boring movie in a boring age of hero cinema.