Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, the latest video game in the Yakuza series, completely wraps up Kazuma Kiryu’s main storyline and has Ichiban Kasuga as the new main character.
When players meet Ichiban for the first time, he is noticeably different from how he appeared in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. He got a makeover, and he now helps ex-Yakuza members who need a job. He even helped out a guy by grabbing his money out of gross water and returning it.
Ichiban and Kiryu, along with the new core supporting cast, go to Hawaii for the first half of the game to find Ichiban’s mom. But then the game’s focus changes halfway through to Kiryu’s character and finishes up the story for him and his friends.
The game is still turn-based. Also, while the previous games in the series were mostly set in Japan, the location changes here to Hawaii for the first part of the game.
When a player gets to the halfway point, the game goes back to Japan to finish Kiryu’s storyline. But players probably need to have played the previous games in the series to fully understand Kiryu’s backstory.
Overall, the game is still quirky, but it has some long dialogue. Players who want more action may get bored with Infinite Wealth because of it.