The Baldwin Highlander Marching Band earned its highest PIMBA competition score ever on Saturday at Mount Lebanon.
The Highlanders earned 86.225 points, falling .55 points behind Upper Saint Clair, who placed first.
Senior Matthew Colwell said he was proud of the marching band.
“Scoring the highest we ever have in Baldwin history has been one of the best parts of this season,” Colwell said.
Sophomore Abby Horn is hopeful for the upcoming PIMBA Championships.
“We had very good visuals and amazing energy, which showed on the field. As a result, we won best visual performance,” Horn said.
Senior Julia Graham assisted the team in the color guard section with a six-rotation rifle toss, Horn said.
For the future, the team plans on working on staying in time with each other and tone accuracy.
The next competition is PIMBA Championships on Saturday at Moon Area High School.
Marching band earns its highest PIMBA score ever
Alyssa Thayer, Multimedia Editor
October 23, 2023
The Baldwin Highlander Marching Band competes in PIMBA class AA.
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About the Contributors

Alyssa Thayer, Multimedia Editor
Multimedia Editor Alyssa Thayer is a senior in her second year on the Purbalite. She can be found dancing, reading, or listening to Taylor Swift.

Evelyn Esek, News Editor
News Editor Evelyn Esek is a senior and a third-year member of the Purbalite. She is in the BHS color guard and loves knitting and crocheting, collecting vinyl records, and listening to music.