Running out of TV shows and movies to stream? The Purbalite is here to help, with another installment of our What to Binge Watch feature.
Netflix’s limited time series The Queen’s Gambit takes the classic board game chess and turns it into something more.
The show is about an orphan named Beth Harmon, played by Anya Taylor-Joy, who is naturally talented at chess. At first the game is played for fun, but when she is adopted into a family that begins to lack financially, competing in chess becomes her job.
The series focuses on her growth not only as a player but as a young woman battling addiction and trying to find herself through the process.
The show not only covers the skills behind chess but heavy topics as well, such as addiction, death, and solitude. The story gets deeper as these topics are explored through the plot.
This show is unique, as it provides viewers with a new experience and an unfamiliar setting in the world of chess. It has great graphics and attention to detail – specifically regarding hallucinations Beth has, in which she sees a giant chessboard on the ceiling. These components truly make this series stand out.
Overall, The Queen’s Gambit is a great watch not only to gain a deeper understanding of chess but to watch the development of Beth’s character with each episode.