Image by Purbalite staff

Purbalite seniors evaluate their four years of high school at Baldwin.

Senior Farewell: A younger sibling stands out


I love my siblings, but as a middle child, entering a new grade wasn’t always easy for me. 

At a really young age, it was exciting for me to see if a teacher had known of my older siblings. But as I moved into middle school and high school, the excitement slowly faded. 

When I began to realize that some teachers initially viewed me by the way my older siblings acted, I felt as though I would never get to show teachers who I was and what I am capable of. 

In high school, if I wanted to stand out, I needed to put in the effort – and so I did. I joined clubs, participated in activities, volunteered around the school, won awards, and kept my grade point average at a 4.0 every year. 

I was proud of everything I accomplished that made me stand out as a student and not just another little sibling. 

When Covid-19 hit, it became harder to show the school who I am. But as junior year came around, I stood my ground once again. I joined the National Honors Society, I was doing well in my AP classes, receiving multiple awards for my newspaper articles, and winning first place in my Regional SeaPerch competition. 

I was doing exactly what I wanted to do, and I was noticed. Continuing into my senior year, I wasn’t just a little sibling anymore. I was Ava Bell. I was known for me and not either of the siblings that came before me. 

I will admit that, though, that as I graduate, I will miss the nicknames from the teachers who also taught my older siblings.

The lesson is that no matter the legacy that family may leave for you, it doesn’t always have to stick. I hope I can pass down a strong family legacy to my younger brother, but I want him to know that it is his to change.

I am thankful that high school brought me the chance to find myself and it has prepared me for the future. In the end, I wouldn’t change being a middle child: It has just given me a bigger excuse to stand out.

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