AP Gov students to hold voter registration drive

AP Gov students hold voter registration drive at the high school
April 21, 2023
AP Government students will be visiting senior homerooms for a second time this year to educate students about voting and how to register.
For senior Stephany Ochs, voter participation is important to her and her lifestyle.
“I’m part of a lot of communities that are very hot in the political atmosphere right now. I am the child of an immigrant and a single mother,” Ochs said. “I come from a working-class home, so a lot of the issues that are being talked about in politics right now are really important to me personally.”
Ochs is one of eight AP Gov students who volunteered to help during this registration drive.
“I think it’s important that people start with political engagement when they’re young because I feel like a lot of people our age just don’t really care,” Ochs said.
AP Gov teacher Katie Temme said she finds it beneficial for her students to be educated about the voting process – even if, like Ochs, they are not 18 yet.
“We have learned a lot throughout the year about political participation and a lot about our government system,” Temme said. “One of the ways you change the government structure is by voting, so we think … that it’s really important for students to do that first step (by registering).”
Temme wanted to hold another drive this school year due to the upcoming elections on May 16, which cover a small number of local races.
To register to vote, one must be a United States citizen and be at least 18 years of age. Registering online is an instantaneous process, and students can register on their own through the PA Online Voter Registration site.
“If you mail it in, it just depends,” Temme said. “You have to get it in by May 1 for the upcoming primary election on May 16.”
The registration drive will take place next week.