Daughter returns, with more angst, reflection this time

Daughter’s new album touches on heartbreak, feminine rage, and sleepless nights.
April 17, 2023
Daughter, the trio known for writing about the feminine experience along with taboo mental health struggles, does not disappoint with its recent release, Stereo Mind Game.
The album immediately gets off to a good start with the track “Be On Your Way,” a song about letting go of someone you love. The rest of the album touches on subjects such as heartbreak, feminine rage, and sleepless nights.
Stereo Mind Game still features frontwoman Elena Tonra’s mopey vocals, but offers more upbeat backing tracks.
The track “Future Lover” provides more angst and reflection, rather than the grief and sadness the trio typically produces. However, long-time fans will still be satisfied, as the album still has a fair amount of grief and sadness.
Through this work, listeners can hear some of the wear on Tonra’s voice from age, which in most cases is a setback. However, the tiredness in her vocals add a new rawness to the album.
The general sound of the album is sweet and soft, with metaphorical and thought-provoking lyrics.
While it can get a bit repetitive at times, Daughter’s new record still delivers a beautifully haunting sound, and simple, yet complex lyrics that almost all listeners can relate to in some way.