June, Alchemist team up for a `Great Escape’

The Great Escape by is the artists Larry June and The Alchemist
April 4, 2023
Larry June has released his first collaboration with The Alchemist and it exceeds expectations.
The Great Escape is accompanied by the standard sound and mood as delivered on every other Alchemist project. The production, features, and lyricism are crucial to the excellent sound of this album.
As usual, the Alchemist delivers with above and beyond production. His mixture of jazz and psych-rap create an amazing mood and sets up the tracks for great lyrics from June.
June’s lyricism hasn’t reached its peak yet, but a new high point has been achieved on The Great Escape. With his cold and calming voice, June really delivers, showing off his true potential as a mainstream rapper.
Each track is amazingly well crafted by the Alchemist and June, with the features also being well recorded and written. Standout songs include “Solid Plan’ and “Art Talk.”
The Slum Village feature on “Orange Village (feat. Slum Village” is an immensely surprising and successful feature. It really adds to an already great album.