Laughlin credits sports for his positive attitude
March 29, 2023

Timothy Laughlin played various sports throughout high school and now teaches health and physical education at Baldwin.
Health and physical education teacher Timothy Laughlin is well known for spreading kindness and positivity around Baldwin High School since 2001. He gives all the credit for his upbeat attitude to his time playing sports.
“I have played many different kinds of sports throughout my life and they have all taught me how to interact with different types of people with different abilities,” Laughlin said. “Sports have also taught me how to cooperate with people, how to work in teams, how to be a good leader, and also how to communicate efficiently.”
Sports have played an essential role in his career as a teacher, he said.
“Learning how to help students get along with each other, how to create fair but competitive games, how to talk and interact with students, and the positivity I try to bring to my classes and the school on a daily basis – it all comes from sports,” Laughlin said.
There is more to sports than just winning, he said. There is the feeling of comradery that athletes get, knowing they belong and are a part of something that makes them feel good about themselves.
“Throughout my sports career I’ve been on a lot of different kinds of teams,” Laughlin said. “Some that have won every game all the way through to championships, and some that never won any games.”
These benefits also can come from any other kind of team activity, he said.
“Students who actively participate in clubs, band, choir, the musical – they all gain more positivity by working toward things with a group,” Laughlin said.
Laughlin recalls that his memorable sports moment came on a college team that was not so good when he first started.
“We had a lot of talent on the team, but the players weren’t so serious about their skills. But by the end of my junior year we ended up going to nationals and turned the team around,” Laughlin said.
Not only do sports physically help students, but they are also a great way for students to learn how to manage their social life and academics.
“Sports teach you how to take care of yourself, and that is huge,” Laughlin said. “Sports took up a lot of my time and made me tired, but they also taught me how to eat and sleep right.”
Laughlin hopes to continue planning sports and being active for as long as he can.
“Whether it’s playing around with my kids or on my roller hockey team, sports will always be a part of my life,” Laughlin said. “Bringing my kids to my games and having them see me set examples for them is my biggest motivation.”