Some TV series outstay their welcome

Even through season 19, Greys Anatomy still remains popular.
March 28, 2023
Many TV series go on for too long, to the point where the storyline changes too much and the audience gets bored, but the show continues on for more seasons.
Grey’s Anatomy is one of those shows. The series remains popular to this day, even though it is in Season 19.
The first few seasons were by far the best. Since season six, some of the original characters – like Izzy, Alex, and George – have been kicked off the show or have left on their own, which has brought in new characters who don’t make the show as interesting.
The show should have ended in Season 11 when Derrick died and Christina left. There was no point in the show continuing afterward, because the show has completely changed in a bad way to the point where it is not the same.
The love interests they have in the later seasons are not as entertaining to watch, since the original couples are all everyone can think about.
Outer Banks is another show that shouldn’t have continued and made a second season. In Season one, the pogues – JJ, John B, Kiara, Pope, and Sarah – go on a hunt for gold from the Royal Merchant, a ship that sank over 350 years ago. The first season was fun to watch, because it involved drama and adventure.
By the time Season 3 rolled around, the same thing was happening but more characters are on the hunt. The plot is all over the place, and many of the scenes do not fit well together.
The season also could have been better filmed. During a scene where Kiara and Rafe are running to jump on the truck carrying hay, the stunt doubles are clearly shown. If the crew would have taken more time on the script and the production, it could have been worth watching.
An older show that has ended but should have ended sooner was Pretty Little Liars. Pretty Little Liars is about four high school girls whose clique falls apart after their friend and the leader of the group, Allison DiLaurentis, died. In the show, there is a secret stalker going by the letter “A” who acts as Allison DiLaurentis and would stalk all four girls.
Pretty Little Liars should have ended after Season 2, where the show revealed who “A” was. The show went on for five more seasons after that, and later it was revealed that there were more “A” stalkers, which ended up confusing the whole audience. One stalker would have been better than making the whole storyline confusing.