Simplice, Barrett earn medals at indoor track championships

Alayna Scanlon and Max Pegher

Seniors Jeremiah Simplice and Andrew Barrett both earned medals at the indoor track championships over the weekend.

Barrett achieved a personal record in the one-mile run.

“I got sixth place with a 4:33 mile, which I think is really cool because that puts me in the top five fastest who have run the indoor mile at Baldwin,” Barrett said.

Simplice, meanwhile, earned a medal with an eighth-place finish in the 200-meter dash.

Barrett said the whole team performed well at the competition.

“I’m very proud of the team. Everyone was really working hard towards the end of the season,” Barrett said. 

Freshman Molly Gorman competed on two relay teams, in the 4×400 and 4×800, achieving personal records for her legs of the races. 

“Overall, I’m pretty happy with my performance this season,” Gorman said. 

Barrett is excited about his outdoor season and his future plans in college.

“I want to get into the 4:20s and run at a D1 or D2 college and train to reach my full potential as a runner, “ Barrett said.

Gorman plans on continuing with her current events and expressed her excitement for the upcoming outdoor track season. 

“I’m very excited for outdoor, and I’ll continue what I’m doing now,” Gorman said.