Cheer team finishes first in mat, second in game day at Slippery Rock competition

Ethan Spozarski

The competitive cheer team competes with other schools from Pennsylvania.

Jacob Staley, Sports Editor

The Baldwin cheer team competed on Sunday at Slippery Rock placed first in their mat routine and second in their game-day routine.

Sophomore Alayna Scanlon felt the team showed how they stack up against the competition.

“We had a really good performance,” Scanlon said. “As long as we can fix some little mistakes, we should be a great squad.”

One mistake came during their game day performance.

“We had a bobble in our pyramid towards the end,” she said. “That something we can definitely work on and be better at.”

The team sees these competitions almost as practices, as they already have two bids to nationals at Disney. The team looks forward to bigger meets that can showcase the team.

They compete next Nov. 19 at Bethel Park.