Controversial `Dahmer’ series draws viewers in

Netflix’s original series Dahmer-Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story was released September 2022.
October 13, 2022
The new Netflix series Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, has evoked strong reactions and opinions from viewers but is worth watching for the storyline and the portrayal of the famous killer.
The series follows Dahmer’s case, with Evan Peters portraying the serial killer as he commits his crimes and hides the evidence from 1978 to 1991. The series uses police photographs and some of the exact wording from Dahmer’s trial.
But families of Dahmer’s victims are outraged because of the gruesome imagery used and the fact that companies continue to make money off of these tragedies. The show has made many people uncomfortable and even disgusted with Netflix.
Evan Peters successfully taps into the creepy mind of Dahmer and brings him back to life for this production of his story. Another thing the series does well is explain the timeline of the victims, providing details about their lives, their connection to Dahmer, and their deaths.
The series uses quotes from neighbors, police, and Tracy Edwards, who was the only survivor of Dahmer’s killing spree. Actor Shaun Brown plays Edwards and successfully connects with viewers.