New Post Malone record features more personal lyrics
Post Malone’s new album, Twelve Carat Toothache, shares some new and old sounds with listeners.
June 6, 2022
Post Malone’s new album, Twelve Carat Toothache, shares some new and old sounds with listeners.
The album features the sounds of his old music and the pain in his voice that most of his older music had. Post Malone’s albums have always been a way for some people to explain their thoughts and feelings, but this new album doesn’t allow that, since the songs are specifically about his issues and not something that listeners can personally connect with.
Post Malone shares the pain of a heartbreak in this album. The song “Lemon Tree” gives the album – which is full of rap and fast tempos – a break and a more acoustic and slow feel. His song “I Like You (a Happier Song),” featuring Doja Cat, adds a feeling to the listener that he is in love with a girl and the song is his way of telling her.
Although the album has a few slow songs about falling in and out of love, the track “Love/Hate Letter to Alcohol” shares Post Malone’s struggles with addiction and how he is recovering to make his life better, along with an explanation of how this addiction affected his relationships.
Despite the lack of connection most listeners had looked for in previous albums, this new Post Malone record gives the listener a new look at the artist and his music.